Implementing Trigonometry in SCSS

... and lessons learnt

By Weiyuan Liu | Rakuten Viki

All tales starts with a hero-to-be on a adventure ...

His / her quest ?

"Final boss"


Many solutions

Spoiler in title 😣

Solution #1 : "GIF"

Is it pronouced `gee-if` or "jee-if" ?

Solution #1 : "GIF"

How ?

  • Save animation as a GIF
  • Host the GIF file somewhere
  • Load the GIF asset

What ?

Why ?

  • "Plug and play"

Why not ?

  • File size can be big even at low resolutions

Why not ?

  • File size can be big even at low resolutions
  • Lower FPS vs file size
  • Resize and Scaling (reusability) issues
  • How do I even "GIF" ?

Solution #2 : Animation Libraries

Making our problem other people's problem

Solution #2 : Animation Libraries

How ?

  • Create animation (online editor / photoshop)
  • Export JSON file
  • Load animation library
  • Load JSON file

What ?

Why ?

  • Smaller file size

Why ?

  • Smaller file size
  • Simple to use
  • JSON file usable across platforms

Why not ?

  • Need photoshop skills ?
  • High initialisation cost

It's time to engineer it ourselves!

"Weiyuan, why are you looking up Wikipedia for trigonometry?" - Manager

Solution #3 : CSS

Solution #3 : CSS

How ?

  • Implement CSS styles
  • Load CSS Stylesheet
  • That's it?

Breaking down the problem

  • Hexagon
  • Rotation Animation
  • Hexagons of different sizes
  • Clockwise and Anti-clockwise animation for each hexagon

Breaking down the problem

  • Hexagon
  • Rotation Animation
  • Hexagons of different sizes
  • Clockwise and Anti-clockwise animation for each hexagon


  • Draw a <div /> with top and bottom border
  • Do the same for ":before", rotate 60°
  • Do the same for ":after", rotate -60°

Height !== Side (width)

Re-examine the hexagon

Solution #3.1 : CSS Sass

Using the SCSS syntax

How to do in Sass ?

How to do in Sass ?

tan(30°) = O / A

cos(30°) = A / H

sin(30°) = O / H

tan(30°) = O / A

sin(30°) = O / H

tan(30°) = O / A
O = tan(30°) * A
O = tan(30°) * A
O = tan(30°) * A

tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)

sin(x) = cos(x - 90°)

Solving for Factorial

Solving for Sin(x)

O = tan(30°) * A

tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)

sin(x) = cos(x - 90°)

Solving for Cos(x)

O = tan(30°) * A

tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)

sin(x) = cos(x - 90°)

Solving for Tan(x)

O = tan(30°) * A

tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)

sin(x) = cos(x - 90°)

File size

FAQ : Why not SVG ?

1.2% of all domains were using at least one SVG background image 1

1 - Fun fact from Css Tricks

FAQ : Why not SVG ?

Smallest file size !!!

Why not ?

  • Coupling of styling methods with server side content

What if my Sass functions break ?

Can we even unit test CSS ?

What if my SCSS functions break ?

Writing a test for factorial method

It works!

Reflecting on my "adventure"

Level 1 - Gifs - n00b days

Level 10 - Third party - student / young engineer

Level 50 - Performance, Practices - maturing engineer

Level ? - Unit tests - ???

Trigonometry in CSS - WIP ?

Watch out for it

Thanks for listening!

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